From Lancaster, Pennsylvania USA
Age 44
Joined Tuesday, September 9, 2003
Home page www.livejournal.com/users/wyldanthem
Recent Book Activity

Pledged: The Secret Life of Sororities

Different Seasons
The little book of stupid questions


Summer Sisters

I Lie for a Living
International Spy Museum Handbook of Practical Spying

A Dog’s Purpose
City of Girls
The Straw Men

The Hunger Games

Jupiter's Bones

The Man Who Ate the 747

Good Mother, The

The Corrections: A Novel

The Audacity Of Hope - Thoughts On Reclaiming The American Dream

Soul Chasing: Thoughts And Prayers For The Rest Of Us

'Tis: A Memoir

Jobs and the Military Spouse: Married, Mobile, and Motivated for Employment

The Lovely Bones: A Novel
Statistics: |
4 weeks | all time |
books registered | 0 | 275 |
released in the wild | 0 | 150 |
controlled releases | 0 | 1 |
releases caught | 0 | 49 |
controlled releases caught | 0 | 0 |
books found | 0 | 63 |
tell-a-friend referrals | 0 | 2 |
new member referrals | 0 | 4 |
forum posts | 0 | 197 |
Extended Profile
Books have been in my life since I can remember. Luckily, my parents were both avid readers who encouraged me to try new authors and genres. As a result, there isn't a single class trip, family vacation, or lazy summer day in which I didn't assume the nose-in-book position.
I discovered BookCrossing by accident when I found this book on my library's free shelves. The concept caught my interest. Not long after finding the first book, I dropped some things off at the local Goodwill. On the bookshelves there, I found two more BookCrossing books and took it as a sign that I should sign up. So many thanks to ResQGeek and Vibbs for their wild releases, which led me here!
After 15 years away from this site -- living in five different states, having a kid, starting a new career, and burying a parent -- I found my way back to BookCrossing and am starting to register and release books again. Please bear with me as I get reacquainted with the site and all its wonderful new members!
I enjoy just about everything BookCrossing has to offer — from wild releasing to trading, from RABCKing to 'Raying, which I hope to get back into at some point.
Most of the books I used to offer as Book Rings or Book Rays were released in the wild when they return/reach their final destination. I hope their respective finders enjoy reading about all the books' adventures! I also check members' wish lists. My favorite wild release spot used to be on the book shelves at www.stelmoscoffeepub.com/" target="_blank">St. Elmo's Coffee Pub, an unofficial BookCrossing zone in Alexandria, Va., where I used to organize monthly BookCrossing meetups (try the chai!). Now that I'm in a new area, I've found a few Little Free Libraries that I'll likely frequent.
BookCrossing is a community of givers who never cease to amaze me. There are so many people who volunteer their time to make this site the friendly, helpful, and free community that it is. Since I joined, I've had the pleasure of interacting with a few of them, and I just wanted a spot where I could call attention to their kindness and say THANKS! So consider this my ever-growing, but by no means complete, Acknowledgements page.
Anonymous Finder, for giving us all hope; Antof9, for always making me laugh; Ardy, for the RABCK; Avanta7, for the RABCK; Beachlover2003, for helping me start our Meetup group; BookCzuk, who answers my stupid questions even when she's sick; Caligula03, for the RABCK and HTML assistance; Corry000, for the RABCK; Cyber-librarian, for the RABCK; Dallasjay, for the RABCK; FizzFred, for the RABCK; Heaven150, for the RABCK; InigoMontoya, for the RABCK; Jamesmum, for the RABCK; Lovemylife, for my first successful Relay trade; MaryZee, for her OBCZ, annual book fair efforts, and friendship; Melydia, for starting BC_DC; Mostly-Harmless for the RABCK; Narfinmagic, for the RABCK; Pashmack, for the RABCK; ResQGeek, for getting me started; Shpriz1 for the RABCK; Silverstarry, for reviving a bookring; Smhamn, for the RABCK; TexasWren, for her tireless efforts in making everyone feel welcome; Thelydia, for the RABCK; Tireddebb, for the RABCK; Weeblet, for bein' a pal; WestofMars (aka Spikesmom), for the RABCK; WTHarvey, for the RABCK; and Vibbs, for getting me started.
Books have been in my life since I can remember. Luckily, my parents were both avid readers who encouraged me to try new authors and genres. As a result, there isn't a single class trip, family vacation, or lazy summer day in which I didn't assume the nose-in-book position.
I discovered BookCrossing by accident when I found this book on my library's free shelves. The concept caught my interest. Not long after finding the first book, I dropped some things off at the local Goodwill. On the bookshelves there, I found two more BookCrossing books and took it as a sign that I should sign up. So many thanks to ResQGeek and Vibbs for their wild releases, which led me here!
After 15 years away from this site -- living in five different states, having a kid, starting a new career, and burying a parent -- I found my way back to BookCrossing and am starting to register and release books again. Please bear with me as I get reacquainted with the site and all its wonderful new members!
I enjoy just about everything BookCrossing has to offer — from wild releasing to trading, from RABCKing to 'Raying, which I hope to get back into at some point.
Most of the books I used to offer as Book Rings or Book Rays were released in the wild when they return/reach their final destination. I hope their respective finders enjoy reading about all the books' adventures! I also check members' wish lists. My favorite wild release spot used to be on the book shelves at www.stelmoscoffeepub.com/" target="_blank">St. Elmo's Coffee Pub, an unofficial BookCrossing zone in Alexandria, Va., where I used to organize monthly BookCrossing meetups (try the chai!). Now that I'm in a new area, I've found a few Little Free Libraries that I'll likely frequent.
BookCrossing is a community of givers who never cease to amaze me. There are so many people who volunteer their time to make this site the friendly, helpful, and free community that it is. Since I joined, I've had the pleasure of interacting with a few of them, and I just wanted a spot where I could call attention to their kindness and say THANKS! So consider this my ever-growing, but by no means complete, Acknowledgements page.
Anonymous Finder, for giving us all hope; Antof9, for always making me laugh; Ardy, for the RABCK; Avanta7, for the RABCK; Beachlover2003, for helping me start our Meetup group; BookCzuk, who answers my stupid questions even when she's sick; Caligula03, for the RABCK and HTML assistance; Corry000, for the RABCK; Cyber-librarian, for the RABCK; Dallasjay, for the RABCK; FizzFred, for the RABCK; Heaven150, for the RABCK; InigoMontoya, for the RABCK; Jamesmum, for the RABCK; Lovemylife, for my first successful Relay trade; MaryZee, for her OBCZ, annual book fair efforts, and friendship; Melydia, for starting BC_DC; Mostly-Harmless for the RABCK; Narfinmagic, for the RABCK; Pashmack, for the RABCK; ResQGeek, for getting me started; Shpriz1 for the RABCK; Silverstarry, for reviving a bookring; Smhamn, for the RABCK; TexasWren, for her tireless efforts in making everyone feel welcome; Thelydia, for the RABCK; Tireddebb, for the RABCK; Weeblet, for bein' a pal; WestofMars (aka Spikesmom), for the RABCK; WTHarvey, for the RABCK; and Vibbs, for getting me started.