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From Edinburgh, Scotland United Kingdom
Joined Saturday, October 1, 2005
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"The man who doesn't read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them."

From Neil Gaiman's website, which for me says it all: "May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art -- write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, ...somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself."

I haven't managed to keep my booklist up to date for 2010 - today, but I am still reading :)


2006 - 2008

Swahili for the broken-hearted (Peter Moore), Harry Potter - The halfblood prince, Purple Hibiscus (Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie), The Hills is Lonely (Lillian Beckwith)m Holidays in Hell (P.J. O'Rourke)m Kafka on the Shore (Haruki Murakami), Revenge (Stephen Fry), The five people you meet in heaven (Mitch Albom), Whistling for the Elephants (Sandy Toksvig), Eats Shoots & Leaves, The Time Traveller's Wife (Audrey Niffenegger), Until I Find You (John Irving), It's not about the bike (Lance Armstrong), My invented country (Isabell Allende), Lucky Man (Michael J. Fox), Three Men in a Boat (Jerome K. Jerome), Chernobyl Strawberries (Vesna Goldsworthy), The Hippopotamus (Stephen Fry), Dear Me (Peter Ustinov), Making history (Stephen Fry), Marley & Me (John Grogan), The Pythons by the Pythons, Memoirs of a Geisha (Arthur Golen), Upstate (Kalisha Buckhanon), The boy in the striped pyjama (John Boyne), The Recruit (Robert Muchamore), The life and times of the Thunderbolt kid (Bill Bryson), We need to talk about Kevin (Lionel Shriver), Next to you (Gloria Hunniford)Angiebabe, A long way down (Nick Hornby), The Tender Bar (JR Moehringer), Extremely loud and Incredibly Close (Jonathan Safran Foer), Wind-up bird chronicle (Haruki Murakami), Class A (Robert Muchamore) AB, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (J.K. Rowling), Maneater (Gigi Levangie Grazer) AB, The Da Vinci Code (Dan Brown) AB, Lessons from the Land of Pork Scratchings (Greg Gutfeld), Thunderbolt kid (Bill Bryson) AB, A short history of tractors in Ukrainian (Marina Lewycka), The Bookseller of Kabul (Asne Seierstad), Exit Music (Ian Rankin) AB, Half of a yellow sun (Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie), Dead Souls (Ian Rankin), For one more day (Mitch Albom), Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman (Haruki Murakami), From Paella to Porridge (Peter Kerr), The Liar (Stephen Fry), Whatever Love Means (David Baddiel), Is that it? (Bob Geldorf), The story of forgetting (Stefan Merrill Block), The Private Lives of Pippa Lee (Rebecca Miller)

GERMAN: PS Ich liebe Dich (C. Ahrens), Traumfänger (Marlo Morgan), Klaras Nein (Soazig Aaron), Filippas Engel (F. Sayn-Wittgenstein), Wir pfeiffen auf den Gurkenkönig (Christine Nöstlinger), Mondscheintarif (Ildiko von Kürthy), Der Spion, der aus der Kaelte kommt (John Le Carre), Die Beichte (Felix Mitterer), Mit der Liebe einer Löwin (Christina Hachfeld-Tapukai), Am Ende des Schweigens (Charlotte Link) AB, Die Vermessung der Welt (Daniel Kehlmann), Vor dem Frost (Henning Mankel), Rivalen (Dick Francis), Einmal Kind immer Kind (Diane Broeckhoven), Lunte (Dick Francis), Die vierte Hand (John Irving), Sputnik Sweetheart (Haruki Murakami), Zum Tode erwacht (Daphne Du Maurier), Der Himmel fängt ueberm Boden an (Tommie Bayer), Nordermoor (Arnaldur Indridason), Nachtzug nach Lissabon (Pascal Merciers), AngiebabeFleisch ist mein Gemuese (Heinz Strunk), Maria ihm schmeckt's nicht (Jan Weiler), Gefaehrliche Geliebte (Haruki Murakami), Irgendwo in Deutschland (Stefanie Zweig), Favorit (Dick Francis), Dies ist kein Liebeslied (Karen Duve), Seitensprünge (Ben Elton), Emma's Glueck (Claudia Schreiber), Zusammen ist man weniger alleine (Anna Gavalda), Tintenherz (Cornelia Funke), Die Lüge (Petra Hammersfahr)AB, Nero Corleone (Elke Heidenreich) AB, Das Austauschkind (Christine Noestlinger), Der vierzehnte Stein (Fred Vargas), Mieses Karma (David Safier) AB, Mittagsfrau (Julia Franck),Feuchtgebiete (Charlotte Roche) AB, Unsichtbare Spuren (Andreas Franz) AB, Diese Einsamkeit ohne Überfluß (Sigrid Damm), Ein Jahr in Australien (Julica Jungehülsing), Das Parfum (Patrick Süskind), Baader Meinhof Komplex (Stefan Aust), Es Klopft (Franz Hohler)

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