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Joined Thursday, July 24, 2003
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4 weeks all time
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I just realized that my bookshelves are shamefully out of date ... should you ask for any AVLs ... I am happy to check, but I might have to disappoint you ...
Back after long absence ... have to update all infos and lists ...

New bookrays - up and running:
> Tod und Teufel + Helden | Frank Schätzing | Bookray
> Freiheit | Angela Merkel | Bookray

My old bookrays:
> A Clockwork Orange, Anthony Burgess // completed its journey
> Dude, Where´s My Country?, Michael Moore // went missing
> A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters, Julian Barnes | Bookring // went missing
> Falling Angels, Tracy Chevalier | bookray// went missing

Book-rays participation:
> American Gods, Neil Gaiman | organised by mom-of-one | has been set free in the wild
> Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Hunter S. Thompson | organised by concertina8 | gave it to a friend for release

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