Recent Book Activity
Native American Women
Joseph Andrews With Shamela and Related Writings: Authoritative Texts, Backgrounds and Sources, Criticism (Norton Critical Editions)
Fun and Fancy Machine Quiltmaking
Thought and Language
Developing Minds: Programs for Teaching Thinking, Volume 2
Strategies to Inspire Active Learning: Complete Handbook
The Kingfisher History Encyclopedia
Aesop for Children
Le Chef-d'oeuvre inconnu suivi de ; Pierre Grassou ; Sarrasine ; Gamara ; Massimilla Doni
The Cat Care Question and Answer Book
Identity and the life cycle
On Certainty
California Design: The Legacy of West Coast Craft and Style
All Color Book of Greek Mythology
Complete Collected Stories
Favorite Father Brown Stories (Dover Thrift Editions)
Wizard World
White Raven, The
Immortal poems of the English language
Statistics |
4 weeks | all time |
books registered | 8 | 1,046 |
released in the wild | 6 | 1,078 |
controlled releases | 0 | 6 |
releases caught | 0 | 150 |
controlled releases caught | 0 | 2 |
books found | 0 | 88 |
tell-a-friend referrals | 0 | 740 |
new member referrals | 0 | 15 |
forum posts | 0 | 8,029 |
Extended Profile
Biblioholism: n. [BIBLIO + HOLISM] book, of books: the habitual
longing to purchase, read, store, admire and consume books in excess.
The books on my bookshelf do not necessarily reflect my personal taste in books.
The people on my friends list are the bookcrossers I have met in person.
Note: I do not send books out by mail.
longing to purchase, read, store, admire and consume books in excess.
The books on my bookshelf do not necessarily reflect my personal taste in books.
The people on my friends list are the bookcrossers I have met in person.
Note: I do not send books out by mail.