Recent Book Activity
Day of the Giants
Bake off
Thirty-Nine Steps (Wordsworth Classics)
Better Than Life
Legends of the Ferengi
The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul
Life, The Universe And Everything: The Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy 3
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe: The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy 2
Crime & Tide
Murder under the Mangoes
The Arrival
Growing Pains - What to do when your children turn into teenagers
Ozzie Goes to School
Tom Tom
You and Me
Tell 'em!
As I Grew Older
A is for Aunty
Land of the Kangaroo People
Nyuntu Ninti (what You Should Know)
Statistics |
4 weeks | all time |
books registered | 0 | 158 |
released in the wild | 0 | 258 |
controlled releases | 0 | 5 |
releases caught | 0 | 60 |
controlled releases caught | 0 | 5 |
books found | 0 | 65 |
tell-a-friend referrals | 0 | 0 |
new member referrals | 0 | 3 |
forum posts | 0 | 0 |
Extended Profile
I remember when I was in kindergarten, I walked into my first library and was filled with awe by all the books. That feeling has stayed with me ever since.
OMG It's been a long time since I've done any Book Crossing. As part of my New Year clean up, I am now clearing out my overloaded bookshelves and registering the books.
OMG It's been a long time since I've done any Book Crossing. As part of my New Year clean up, I am now clearing out my overloaded bookshelves and registering the books.