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From Enschede, Overijssel Netherlands
Age 69
Joined Sunday, November 3, 2002
Recent Book Activity
4 weeks all time
books registered 0 1,046
released in the wild 0 803
controlled releases 0 0
releases caught 0 239
controlled releases caught 0 0
books found 0 38
tell-a-friend referrals 0 76
new member referrals 0 28
forum posts 0 10,751
Extended Profile
I am a car upholsterer, specialising in classic cars.
Reading books is one of too many hobbies of mine. I own quite a lot of books, most of which I will probably never read again, they only stand on their shelves. The idea of giving them away to unknown other readers is very sympathetic to me so I'm glad to join in.

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