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From Abergavenny, Wales United Kingdom
Joined Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Recent Book Activity
4 weeks all time
books registered 20 545
released in the wild 28 456
controlled releases 3 133
releases caught 0 4
controlled releases caught 3 119
books found 1 118
tell-a-friend referrals 0 0
new member referrals 0 1
forum posts 23 566
Extended Profile
Here I am. Living in South East Wales since 2017. I was a Bookcrosser back in 2004 but lost my way a little. My old name was Sterile and you can still get my page in a search. The cat in my profile picture is Cookin'Fat. Gone but not forgotten.
I'll see how I get on with the format, some of it's the same and some has changed. Hoping to reconnect with old friends and of course make new ones.

I work for the NHS and have done so for over 20 years. I'm slowly getting back into the 'habit' of Bookcrossing after being away for a few years but my reading is still going strong. I like Mysteries and Thrillers and do not really read Chic-lit. I'll read anything if it's short enough but usually the book has to get me interested. There's always something interesting to read and my bookshelves are groaning under the weight of books TBR.
I'm a massive fan of the Library but my local library network here isn't brilliant. I go to the Charity shops in Abergavenny when I need a fix!

August 2023: I found a Little Free Library at Trefil which is a 5 minute drive away. Guess I'll be doing some wild releasing there!

Books read. in 2023 my end total was 106 books.
Books read in 2024. My end total was 112 books.

I joined in the 'The' book Challenge in 2024 for the first time. This was to read books where the title starts with 'The' my end results were 54 books.

Book related - I do enjoy a mystery/thriller. I don't really read chic-lit, romance or sci-fi and fantasy. Anything else is fine.i do have a book wishlist or surprise me.

I enjoy anything cat related

I like Bookmarks and pens with black ink (for work) Bookcrossing supplies of any kind are always appreciated.

Lots of love and best wishes xx

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