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From Matlock, Derbyshire United Kingdom
Age 65
Joined Thursday, January 8, 2004
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Hi BookCrossers

I represent a large scale literacy initiative, Read On - Write Away, which covers all age groups in Derbyshire and North Nottinghamshire in England. We have many exciting and innovative projects going on - including Books for Babies, Family Learning, Buddy Reading for Care Leavers, projects in Family Centres, with foster parents and young offenders, projects in football clubs, in schools and libraries, storysacks projects, and training packages to help employers raise the basic skills level of their workforce - and loads more (including 3 mobiles which travel around the area, bringing learning [and IT facilities] to local communities).

One of our main themes is CELEBRATION - both of our learners' achievements and also of the national and international literacy events. To celebrate World Book Day on 4th March 2004, ROWA! would like to release a number of books, hopefully about 200+ (I have asked each of our 40 team members to release a minimum of 5), into the East Midlands - please look out for them!!

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