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From Belleville, Illinois USA
Age 44
Joined Friday, January 5, 2007
Recent Book Activity
4 weeks all time
books registered 0 501
released in the wild 0 161
controlled releases 0 282
releases caught 0 6
controlled releases caught 0 97
books found 0 44
tell-a-friend referrals 0 22
new member referrals 0 0
forum posts 0 156
Extended Profile
updated 11/25/15

I'm willing to trade books (within US) and occasionally send out RABCK's. If I don't respond to private messages, I probably didn't receive it. I use the wishlist as a list of books I want to read and do not have. I sometimes get them from the library, bookstore or other bookcrossers.

If you receive one of my books, you may keep it forever and ever, pass it on to a friend, or, in the true spirit of bookcrossing, release it into the wild. My only request is that you journal - just a quick note - when you receive it or pick it up so I know that it's safe in your hands.

What kind of bookcrosser are you
Your Result: Playfull RBACKer

Sent it as a gift, that's what you say. You are a daily visitor of the rback site. Releasing might be fun, but now I know for sure my book finds someone who actually wants it.
Just admit it, you just love to giftwrap.

ring in bundles
Love to meet
Thematic dropper
Talk of the toy
Obsessive releaser
lucky lurker
strange looking bystander
What kind of bookcrosser are you
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Just in case you're wondering, this is what each one of the stats for the books mean for my bookshelf

Available: For me, this means that the book is free for a trade or a possible RABCK.

Reserved: Usually if I put a book under this category it means that the its spoken for, and is being ready to be shipped out.

To Be Read: When a book has this status, it means that I'm either reading it or it will be reading it. As soon as its finished, I'll put it up as available.

Traveling: After the book is packaged and the address is put on (done while on as reserved), it will be set as traveling. Meaning that the book is actually with the post office and is going to the other BookCrosser. Or the book is in the wild.

Permanent Collection: I rarely use this, but when I do, it means that I have no idea what I want to do with the book just yet. The book may be with another person at the time, or I'm not quite ready to part with it yet, if ever.

Are you sure you want to delete this item? It cannot be undone.