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From Pittsburg, Missouri USA
Age 79
Joined Tuesday, March 25, 2003
Recent Book Activity
4 weeks all time
books registered 0 1,819
released in the wild 0 520
controlled releases 0 1
releases caught 0 58
controlled releases caught 0 0
books found 0 50
tell-a-friend referrals 0 114
new member referrals 0 16
forum posts 0 9
Extended Profile
I am a retired first grade schoolteacher. I have always wanted to travel upon my retirement. For various reasons, I have been unable to do so. Imagine my delight upon discovering the Bookcrossing website!!!! Even tho' I am currently unable to travel , I can release books into the wild and follow their travels!! I have always loved to read, but have always kept my books...and read them again at a later date. But now I have reason to release...and watch as others find the books I have enjoyed. I am definitely a enthusiast!!!!
If you request books from me, you need to check the journaling. I journal when I private you have to look at each individual book to see if it is still in my possesssion.

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