From Olive Branch, Mississippi USA
Age 77
Joined Wednesday, January 22, 2003
Home page www.flickr.com/photos/mississippimom/
Recent Book Activity
Watkins Cook Book (PC)
Mordred's Curse (PC)
Family Affairs (PC)
The Golden Compass (His Dark Materials, Book 1)
The Foundation Trilogy (PC)
The Robots of Dawn (PC)
The Outback Stars
The Currents of Space (PC)
The Spoils of War (The Damned, Bk. 3)(Signed Copy) (PC)
Nemesis (PC)
Fool Me Once
How Not to Kill Your Houseplants: The Foolproof Guide to Lush, Healthy Plants
Blood of Angels: A Novel
The Friendly Snowflake: A Fable of Faith, Love, and Family (Ariel Books)
Savage Kiss
Shadow Of The Wolf (Harlequin Intrigue, No 217)
With Open Arms (Silhouette Single Title)
Last Honest Woman
The Gunslinger (The Dark Tower, Book 1)
The Drawing of the Three (The Dark Tower, Book 2)
Statistics |
4 weeks | all time |
books registered | 0 | 3,404 |
released in the wild | 0 | 3,723 |
controlled releases | 0 | 477 |
releases caught | 0 | 1,056 |
controlled releases caught | 0 | 255 |
books found | 0 | 819 |
tell-a-friend referrals | 0 | 448 |
new member referrals | 0 | 55 |
forum posts | 0 | 562 |
Extended Profile
www.flickr.com/---/" title="Photo Sharing">images.weserv.nl/?... width="376" height="500" alt="Gavin & me" /> Reading to Gavin. He's two and LOVES books... yep, that's my grandson! My first release challenge 2006.... And the winner is ~~~~~ gypsysmom ~~~~~ This prize box was fun to put together! Looking forward to doing this challenge again next year! www.flickr.com/---/" title="Photo Sharing">images.weserv.nl/?... width="367" height="500" alt=""What I Did On My Summer Vacation' prize box" /> Some of the MidSouth BookCrossers showing off "The Bright Forever" which we picked as our Oct/Nov read. We won this book at www.bookmovement.com Check it out, you can win free books too! If you plan to be in the Memphis Area, pm us... We would love to Meet YOU! We have a group page on facebook now... MidSouth BookCrossers You can check out more photos of our fun little group here.... MississippiMom's Flickr Photos My sister-in-law moved into a new home and gave me several hundred paperback books she no longer had room for.... my daughter-in-law (Crankydragon) told me of this great website... serendipity! Now as I read these books (mostly historical romance) I can release them in the wild. What a fun idea. Living in Mississippi, I have a soft spot for John Grisham.... I can remember when he had a small law office just around the corner and one of his first book signings was at the local Kroger grocery store. Boy, what a long way he has come! I enjoy reading almost anything.... sci-fi, mystery, historical romance, paranomal, but looks like I'll be reading the classic romance novels for a while... or maybe just setting them free (or that just have Elvis in the title) that I can release in the area around Graceland.... My first wild catch was a book I left at 'Heartbreak Hotel' !!! www.flickr.com/---/" title="Photo Sharing">images.weserv.nl/?... width="410" height="500" alt="heartbreak-hotel" /> It ended up in Holland ... The second is currently in Australia ... Catch #3 is in Canada! Elvis is truely GLOBAL! My first Graceland catch! Graceland catch number two! www.flickr.com/---/" title="Mass Release at Graceland by the MidSouth BookCrossers. by MississippiMom, on Flickr">images.weserv.nl/?... width="600" height="405" alt="Mass Release at Graceland by the MidSouth BookCrossers." /> MidSouth BookCrossers Mass Release at Graceland 2008. Click on picture to read the article that appeared in our local newspaper! www.flickr.com/---/" title="Photo Sharing">images.weserv.nl/?... width="500" height="367" alt="MidSouth BookCrossers 1st Elvis Sighting" /> The MidSouth BookCrossers celebrate ELVIS WEEK 2007 with a mass release at Graceland! www.flickr.com/---/" title="Photo Sharing">images.weserv.nl/?... width="500" height="375" alt="The Private Elvis" /> PM me if you have an Elvis book you would like to have released at Graceland... I'll be happy to trade... "Thank you.... Thank you very much" www.mycoolsigns.net/flickr" >images.weserv.nl/?... alt="mississippimom"/> Made with My Cool Signs.Net Note.... Books marked personal collection were either gifts from loved ones, limited editions, or signed copies and will not be released in the wild in my lifetime.... Lord knows what the boys will do with them after I'm gone. Crankydragon is my daughter-in-law and she's the one that turned me on to BookCrossing, so she will know exactly what to do with all my books! |