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Age 57
Joined Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Recent Book Activity
4 weeks all time
books registered 0 6,907
released in the wild 0 216
controlled releases 0 730
releases caught 0 21
controlled releases caught 0 21
books found 0 106
tell-a-friend referrals 0 111
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forum posts 0 641
Extended Profile

Kelly's favorite quotes

""If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent they conquered."

~ Thomas Jefferson ~"—" title="view all quotes by Thomas Jefferson">Thomas Jefferson style="color: #382110; text-decoration: none; font-size: 10px;">"
border=0alt="Click for Winston Salem, North Carolina Forecast" height=150 width=256>

I love to trade, but at the moment I'm limited to US/Canada. Send me a PM if you see something you're interested in. Since I loan books to friends and family, some patience might be necessary until I locate the book. If you are worried that I've forgotten you, please PM and remind me.
For any folks that I'm trading with, please be aware that most (closer to all) of my books are from second-hand stores, yard sales, and anywhere else I can scrounge them from. While I do get new books on occasion, I read too fast to buy all my books new. If this is a concern of yours, please ask me about the book in question before we get excited and start shipping. Thanks! alt="PaperBackSwap - Swap your used paperback books with other club members.">" width="375" height="48">

Also, be aware that I'm a member at While I'm trying to keep books I receive from other BCers separate from the books I'm offering on PBS, it is an organizational nightmare. If you absolutely can't stand the thought of "your" books being posted there, let me know. I'll label the dickens out of them and thus guarantee they won't be listed on PBS.

If you have received one of my books in trade or as an RABCK, it is yours. Do with it what you like. My only request is that you journal it when you receive it to let me know that it arrived safely(please!).

I've been blessed with a niece and 4 nephews. Oldest is, well, the tickers tell all of their ages. They are my favorite little monsters in the world. Spending time with them is even more fun than bookcrossing, but louder.
My nephew, Ethan, is doing well with his new insulin pump. While he still balks on getting his finger pricked on occassion, I whine about it at the Red Cross when I give blood 2-3 times a year, so I can only imagine having it done 10 times a day would not be fun. My mother is making insulin pump pouches for Ethan and he loves them.
Diabetes is a serious disease and affects so many more people than I had ever imagined and the number of children living with this disease is astounding.

JDRF was founded in 1970 by the parents of children with juvenile diabetes -- a disease that strikes children suddenly, makes them insulin dependent for life, and carries the constant threat of devastating complications. Since inception, JDRF has provided more than $600 million to diabetes research worldwide. In a typical year, 85 percent of JDRF's expenditures directly support research and education about research. JDRF's mission is constant: to find a cure for diabetes and its complications through the support of research.

For more information, visit, or call 800-533-CURE. title='Myspace Graphics'> width=163 height=240 alt='myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics' border=0>

for the RABCKs
Click on book/box to open a new window.

and the Loan
DianaCoats - Marley & Me : Life and Love with the World's Worst Dog - John Grogan - back home
Thanks for trusting me to return your lovely book.

Many thanks! to Cliff1976 for My Wish List and my info is listed on

Rings/Rays/Boxes in House
Status is next to book/box
Click on book/box to open a new window.

Click on book to open a new window.

Click on book to open a new window.

Click on Bookbox to open a new window.

Rings/Rays/Boxes off to visit others
Click on Ring/Ray/Box to open a new window.

Rings/Rays/Boxes - I'm organizing
Click on Ring/Ray/Box to open a new window.

Please PM to join any of these rings or rays. If possible, I will fit you in." target="_blank"> width=124 height=175 border=0 alt="The WeatherPixie">



Wild Catches

Click on book to open a new window.

Books Read" quality="high" wmode="transparent" FlashVars="id=677343&shelf=2009&title=Kelly's bookshelf: 2009&sort=date_read&order=d&params=amazon,,dest_site,goodreads">" target="_blank">" title="my goodreads profile" width="190" />

In '2009'
 my 2009 shelf

In '2008'
 my 2008 shelf

In '2007'
 my 2007 shelf" target="_top">Free Web Site ALIGN="middle" HSPACE="4" VSPACE="2">" target="_top">hit Counter

About My Bookshelf

1. Books marked Avaliable (AVL) usually are, so don't be afraid to ask about them.

2.Books marked as To Be Read (TBR) usually become avaliable when I am done reading them. If you find a TBR book you would like, ask and I'll let you know what I can do. I do have some future PC books marked as TBR, to help keep me organized, so you might check the journal entry for possible notes to myself.

3.Books marked as Permanent Collection (PC) are special to me. It isn't out of the question that I would loan one out, but it would be unusual. So you're welcome to ask, but don't be surprised if the answer is NO. Not aiming to offend anyone, but as I said PC books are special to me.

4.Most Reserved (RES) books are usually destined for some challenge or someone in particular. However, you should check the journal entry for the RES book you're interested in because it could be on loan to my sister, freddymace, in which case after it is returned it will be probably be made AVL. [The good news is she makes me look like a really slow reader.]

5.My Traveling (TRAV) books are no longer with me, so....

One final note: I do RABCK's at my own discretion. Please do not PM me asking for one (I don't answer these PMs). I know some folks don't mind, but I'm not one of them. Just one of my quirks. All I can say is keep your wishlist updated, keep an eye on the forums or request a trade, which could become an RABCK.

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