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From San Antonio, Texas USA
Joined Thursday, February 13, 2014
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Extended Profile
I am a reader/writer from Mexico living in the US. I enjoy reading both languages, and like fiction, short stories and some historical fiction.

I would like to read all the classics before I die, but I think that is wishful thinking. Someone gave me a list of the 100 more read books in Spanish, and I lost it, so if you have it, please sent it this way!

While I enjoy reading a lot, I also enjoy doing other things, so my bucket list is quite full.

Soy una lectora y escritora de Mexico que vive actualmente en los Estados Unidos. Me gusta leer en ambos idiomas libros de ficcion, historias cortas y ficcion historica.

Me gustaria leer todos los libros clasicos antes de morir, pero me estoy hacienda falsas ilusiones. Alguien me dio una lista con los 100 libros mas populares en espanol y la perdi. Si alguien la tiene, por favor mandela!

Me encanta leer, pero tambien hacer otras cosas, mi lista "antes de petatearme" esta bastante llena!

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