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From Crest Hill, Illinois USA
Age 60
Joined Monday, January 13, 2003
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Extended Profile
This is addicting... "Hi, I'm ladymoon, and I'm a releaseaholic." (Crowd response: "Hi LADYMOON!") I've been reading under the bedsheets since I was five. By the time I was seven, I started pushing my friends to read... I hooked a couple of them, I'm ashamed to say. I dreamt of being a [voice cracking] librarian when I grew up. As a young adult I started creating bookboxes at my workplaces - stashing them under desks and countertops, in breakrooms, whispering to coworkers where they could find them, who the best authors were to choose from, telling them ... OH GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE I'm sharing this with strangers... "Keep the book, really!" I became a parent and, yes, I READ TO MY SON! Now he's addicted too, and we've been known to share authors.... I'm so sorry, son! My disease led to the downfall of my marriage (he wasn't a reader) and, eventually, divorce.

But seriously, I'm an avid reader, and will read virtually anything, so I was THRILLED to find BC. I love the idea of committing random acts of literacy, and I'm hooked on releasing into the wild already!

"A book on a shelf is safe, but that is not what books are for"

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