There's still time to join the BookCrossing Day Contest...
But you'll have to be fast! The last day to enter is January 31. So don't miss out on your chance to amaze or amuse us with your art! Read more about this here
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Age 60
Joined Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Recent Book Activity
4 weeks all time
books registered 0 721
released in the wild 0 582
controlled releases 2 363
releases caught 0 74
controlled releases caught 0 277
books found 0 291
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new member referrals 0 21
forum posts 14 3,168
Extended Profile
I will read just about anything, from cereal boxes to classics. My favorite genres are novels, mysteries, biographies, children's and young adults' books, gardening and craft books, and other nonfiction.

I stumbled across Bookcrossing, and I joined right away, thinking it would help me reduce the number of books in my house. Ha! While I've ended up with even more books, I've ended up with more friends, too.

I release unwanted books given to me by others as well as my own books, so my shelf doesn't necessarily reflect my own taste.

My other interests include all kinds of crafts, gardening, walking, writing, language, social justice issues, and the environment. I would live on tea and chocolate if I could.

HGG, Secret Santa, swaps: I love animals, especially cats (please don't send an actual cat); stationery of all kinds for my volunteer work writing to cancer patients, seniors, and people who need happy mail; stickers and washi tape; fabrics, trims, and embroidery supplies; any kind of paper items for collage and journalling; tea; chocolate; postcards and letters; and, of course, anything related to books.

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