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From Launceston, Tasmania Australia
Age 69
Joined Monday, August 11, 2003
Recent Book Activity
4 weeks all time
books registered 0 422
released in the wild 0 187
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Extended Profile
"A room without books is a body without a soul" Cicero CVI-XLII BC

I joined BXing after a big write up in the Weekend Australian in August 2003. Its like I've been looking for this all my life. Here people don't look askance at having a Mt TBR; they don't roll their eyes when I buy more books (or book cases); and they understand the excitement of sharing great stories.

I read just about anything - except mushy or really macho stuff. Favourites are fantasy and mystery. I try to support Australian authors when I can. My shelf does not reflect my reading tastes, though, as I register and pass on many things that I have not read myself. I only list trades or loans here - my personal collection is gradually being catalogued on LibraryThing. My shelf link there is below.

I'm always up for trading, so if you see something on my bookshelf that interests you, send me a PM and I'll get back to you ASAP. (I'm trying to keep my bookshelf up to date, but it's usually best to check with me about a book's status.)

My other on-line addiction is Scrabble - and I'm always ready to play!" />

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