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From Sandpoint, Idaho USA
Age 59
Joined Tuesday, April 24, 2001
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Extended Profile
Hello Fellow BookCrossers!

As Co-Founder of BookCrossing, I have the daily, extraordinary opportunity to watch this wonderful site grow, meet some of the most passionate and generous readers on the face of the planet, and change the world one book at a time! The best part of my job is working with a fantastic team of volunteers alongside of my creative visionary business partner and husband, Bruce. Between the strategic, financial, and administrative management of the site, I'm mother to our now adult kids (Kipling, Rio and Selkirk). Free time (rare) is spent traveling to third world countries on behalf of International Children's Network and the World Orphan Choir. I also enjoy interpreting for the deaf. Thanks to each and every one of you for being part of this vibrant, serendipitous, whimsical, BookCrossing Community. I look forward to many long years of sharing books and life together!

Heather Mehra-Pedersen, Co-Founder/CFO

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