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Age 81
Joined Wednesday, July 23, 2003
Recent Book Activity
4 weeks all time
books registered 0 1,461
released in the wild 0 204
controlled releases 0 10
releases caught 0 4
controlled releases caught 0 0
books found 0 1
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Extended Profile
Hello! I am a grandmother (in my early 70's) of 8 , ages 9 yrs to 24 yrs. I have been an avid reader since grade school. I probably have a couple of thousand books stashed around my home. I'm trying to go through them & release them one way or another. Mostly to a used book store or the library's book faire fundraiser. I do try to do at least some free releases. Well, I was too slow for my husband, while I was out of town he took about 100 books to the library (May 2005) for their Oct 2005 book faire. Some of them had been entered into Bookcrossing - but I can't do release notes. May 2006: Well, I'm getting them entered, but my release notes just don't seem to get done. Most of them have gone to the used bookstore. Sept 2008 Ditto May 2006 entry. 2014 - Still working most going to Library or Transition Housing for women.

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