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From Goor, Overijssel Netherlands
Joined Friday, September 6, 2002
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By chance, if I remember well it was somebody on LiveJournal who told me about the existence, I bumped on this site. Immediately I considered the idea to be brilliant. There is only one flaw: I just like books too much to leave them in the wild for just anybody to find. Therefore I wasn't really convinced if bookcrossing is something for me

Then I moved. For the first time in my life I realized how much space books need. There are two boxes in the shed, I've accepted that I can't keep them. Most of them I haven't read. Instead of just throwing them away or get a few euros at a second hand bookshop, I decided this could be my opportunity to start at So therefore I will register a few books now and see where I can get rid of them someday soon.

Nothing wrong with the books I'll register here, to me they just aren't important enough to keep. I'm sure somebody else will be happy with them. I hope people will ask me for those books or find them out in the wild and hope that I will read on this site about the books again!

After all that I decided to register all books I read. I write reviews anyway, normally to be found in my LiveJournal So all those reviews could be a nice addendum over here as well. You'll find them on my bookshelf. They are the ones marked PC (personal copy, an abbreviation I read somewhere else on this site, nowadays Permanent Collection) and easily recognizable as I have coded all reviews with a year and number, i.e. 03-005 is the fifth book I read in 2003. This means that these books are on my shelf and will stay there. Still, it will be a nice archive if all my books are reviewed here as well, for everyone to read.

Then I became addicted and swapped books with fellow BookCrossers, send RABCK's, grabbed other books from my shelves to be released as well and started registering books I read ages ago. So still a big percentage of my books are PC, but there are plenty of books available as well. If you want one, let me know. Just ask. I'll swap. Or perhaps I'll RABCK.

Ik zou eigenlijk ditzelfde verhaal ook nog in het Nederlands moeten schrijven, tenslotte is dat ook mijn moerstaal. Maar dit is een Engelstalige site, ook mijn journals zullen voornamelijk in die taal zijn. Maar mocht je wat willen weten of vertaald zien, een PM (personal message) is altijd welkom. Ik heb natuurlijk ook een Nederlandstalig weblog.

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