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Age 41
Joined Sunday, February 9, 2003
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Extended Profile
I'm an unrepentant bookworm, infamous in familial circles for the ability to completely lose myself in a book while everyone is mocking my utter remove from the 'real' world. I'll read just about anything if it's there in front of me, but i have a preference for...the novels of Ursula K. LeGuin, Barbara Kingsolver, Terry Pratchett and many others who fail to spring to mind right now.

I live in fabulous St. John's, Newfoundland, where I (mis)manage a used bookstore. This means that I have a large stack of books behind the counter at all times waiting for payday, but it also means I get a 30% discount on everything. It also means that I'm constantly surrounded by books that I can't read because I'm working.

Besides books, I like hiking/camping, good food, spending time in my favourite pubs, movies (especially foreign language ones with subtitles), and gardening. I have a wonderful boyfriend who is a
struggling artist as well as a sweetie-pie. I have also a large and far-flung family, of which my brother and I are the only two left in Newfoundland (although my mum and dad will be back in two weeks).

My bookshelf is a total mess - most of those books are no longer in my possession, but in storage at an ex-boyfriend's house. Luckily he's the friendly type of ex, so when I get my act together I can go rescue them. I've been a bookcrosser for over two years, but I'm not very active - I'll get better, I swear.

Anyway, I've blethered (new favourite word - heard in in the fora) on long enough now. Off to register a book and send it to Scotland!

My Wish List

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