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Joined Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Recent Book Activity
4 weeks all time
books registered 0 4,185
released in the wild 0 2
controlled releases 0 6
releases caught 0 0
controlled releases caught 0 2
books found 0 38
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forum posts 0 14
Extended Profile
Willing to trade AVLs and TBRs (North America only). I've released just 3 books "into the wild," but have traded many others with BCers and through titletrader, paperbackswap, and bookmooch. I released several books to the communal bookshelf in my building's laundry room, but did not make wild release notes for these since the general public cannot access (they are listed as TRAV; no one has journaled yet).

I've been keeping a list of books I want to read since 1971! I'm in the process of moving this to a wish list (especially books not available from the NY Public Library). Some of the wish list is up at (ennienyc), (ennie) and (ennie).

"Wordplay"! To see it is to love it.

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