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Age 54
Joined Sunday, November 17, 2002
Recent Book Activity
4 weeks all time
books registered 0 638
released in the wild 0 52
controlled releases 0 2
releases caught 0 8
controlled releases caught 0 0
books found 0 687
tell-a-friend referrals 0 30
new member referrals 0 3
forum posts 0 86
Extended Profile
Currently Assistant Organizer/Boston Bookcrossing/area Meet-Up.
Active member of the Boston Bookcrossing local Meetup since 2003--not sure which year I became an official Assistant Organizer.
Co-Organizer/Committee for the Boston UnConvention 2010.

We have a great group of core Boston area Bookcrossers with honorary/extended members from NH and Maine that travel down to see us and/or join us on Zoom.

We are mostly meeting monthly on Zoom so our alumni & new members, in different locations can join, please rsvp via our meetup page.
Gail is the host, all meeting times posted in EST, she will send the link to RSVP for yes, cannot post the link on meet up dot com because of bad actors.

We may in addition to zoom meetings have in person meetings from time to time, we will update Meet up and also Bookcrossing forums with locations when they are scheduled, etc.

Personal Quote/Philosophy
"If you love books -- they will love you back."

I am a writer with a day job. I write fiction and poetry.
My current blog project is:

My reading list is very long.
I live across the bay from Logan Airport's infamous Runway 22L.

Thank you for supporting our troops and our veterans! &

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