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From Lent (gem. Nijmegen), Gelderland Netherlands
Age 56
Joined Tuesday, January 7, 2003
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August, 2024

Hi there,
welcome to my bookshelf! I found this site in december 2002 and I try to update my bookshelf every weekend. I love to trade for books from my wishlist and am willing to trade books that are AVL and TBR on my bookshelf. If you want to trade a book please make sure I actually have the book in my possesion and pm me after (thanks!). I'm willing to ship pretty much everywhere the cheapest (= slowest) way possible, which at the moment is from Germany so it may take some time for the book to arrive.
Have fun and I hope to see you again someday on my bookshelf!
Greetings from dutch-flybabe (formerly known as dutch-flybaby)

Check out my wishlist. Please don't make assumptions based on my bookshelf here - most of it is obtained specifically to cross so doesn't indicate my personal preferences.
I'm not on the RACBK-site but you may request my address from oehoeboeroe.


Read in 2024:
1. Het droomhuis door Rachel Hore
2. Micro by Michael Crichton and Richard Preston
3. Het schaduwspel door Simone van der Vlugt
4. Ongebroken door Wangari Maathai
5. Better together by Sheila O'Flanagan
6. Smoke screen by Sandra Brown
7. Iemand zoals jij door Cathy Kelly
8. The Secret of the Villa Mimosa by Elizabeth Adler
9. De oorlogsbruid door Edith Hahn Beer & Susan Dworkin
10. Legacies by Janet Dailey
11. Altijd genoeg door Marieke Henselmans
12. Samen leven met psychiatrische klachten; een handreiking van Ingrid Schoen, een biebboek
13. Patronen doorbreken van Hannie van Genderen, biebboek (gebleven op blz. 92)
14. Een week in Paris van Rachel Hore
15. Blue dahlia by Nora Roberts
16. ...

Read in 2023:
1. Leren dansen met de draak door Mieke Bouma
2. Invitation to Provence by Elizabeth Adler
3. Claudia's shadow by Charlotte Vale Allen
4. The moon below by Barbara Bickmore
5. De vallei van de hoop door Robert Morgan
6. Night of rain and stars by Meave Binchy
7. De weg naar Mekka - Op zoek naar het hart van de moslimwereld door Jan Leyers
8. The kissing garden by Charlotte Bingham
9. Just rewards by Barbara Taylor Bradford
10. De odyssee van Mohamed door Mohamed El Bachiri
11. Charade by Sandra Brown
12. The terminal man by Michael Crichton
13. After the fire by Belva Plain
14. The narrows by Michael Connelly
15. Rainwater by Sandra Brown
16. Dance with me by Luanne Rice
17. While my pretty one sleeps by Mary Higgins Clarke
18. Jeremy Poldark by Winston Graham
19. Genuine lies by Nora Roberts
20. Divine evil by Nora Roberts
21. Momenten van helderheid by Sarah Willis
22. Ride the thunder by Janet Dailey

Read in 2022:
1. Just between us by Cathy Kelly
2. Leven zonder filter door Fleur van Groningen
3. Laat me maar door Susan Richards
4. Wat wij zagen door Hanna Bervoets
5. Een dal van duisternis door Linda Nichols
6. Onder vrienden door Joanna Trollope
7.De metamorfose door Heather Terrell
8. Matters of the heart by Danielle Steel
9. The Guardian by Nicholas Sparks
10. House Rules by Jodi Picoult
11. De Afrikaanse prinses door Sonia Sampayo
12. Het winterpaleis door John Boyne
13. Mama ik mis je door Cathy glass
14. Nog eenmaal mijn moeder zien door Zana Muhsen en Andrew Crofts
15. Een weg door de bergen door Elizabeth McGregor
16. De thuisreis door Rosamunde Pilcher
17. Eden Close by Anita Shreve
18. Zorg voor je mensen door Marijn Houwert
19. True green home by Kim McKay & Jenny Bonnin
20. Mama Daktari door Anne Spoerry
21. Je bent er een OF je kent er een, reis door het landschap van ADHD bij volwassenen door Remko Iedema
22. Koningin Noor van Jordanië door Koningin Noor
23. Ik mis mezelf door Lisa Genova
24. Ti-puss door Ella Maillart
25. Leren dansen met de draak door Mieke Bouma

Read in 2021
1. Het huis in Bellevue garden door Rachel Hore
2. De wolvenlus door Nicholas Evans
3. De kleur van de zee door Anita Shreve
4. Being Elizabeth by Barbara Taylor Bradford
5. Het strandhuis van Suzanne Vermeer
6. De weduwnaar van Kluun
7. De voorproefster van Hitler door Rosella Postorino
8. Het keerpunt door Nicholas Evans
9. De verloren familie door Jenna Blum
10. Salem Falls by Jodi Picoult
11. Meer dan een etiket door Trenke Riksten-Unsworth
12.Maggie Rowan door Catherine Cookson
13. Elf minuten door Paulo Coelho
14. Het geluk van een wijngaard door María Dueñas
15. De naderende storm door Rachel Hore
16. De redding door Nicholas Sparks
17. Het feest door Elizabeth Day
18. Dansen op de vulkaan door Anthony Capella
19. De droomtuin door Rachel Hore
20. Playing the game by Barbara Taylor Bradford
21. Sound of a miracle by Anabel Stehli
22. De bruiloft door Nicholas Sparks

Read in 2020

Read in 2019

Read in 2018

Read in 2017

Read in 2016

Read in 2015

I've been manager of OBCZ-Kaketoe from oktober 2005 untill november 2014, when the café was sold.

Read in 2014

Read in 2013 with the challenge at the bottom.
I received and gave 7 RABCK's, traded 5 books and tagged and got tagged a lot this year.

2012: no challenge, just enjoying reading and trading books. Books registered by others that are longest on mountTBR still have priority, but books I have traded for I want to read asap as well.
Activities in 2012: read books, did trades, wishlist tag game and one bookring.

challenge: reduce mountTBR, especially books which are registered by other bookcrossers.
I read these books.

2009/2010 uitdaging:
voor het eind van het jaar wil ik 2009 boeken geregistreerd en losgelaten hebben. In de eerste 10 dagen van januari wil ik mijn 2010-de boek registreren en loslaten (niet noodzakelijkerwijs hetzelfde boek).
I read 74 books of which 59 from mountTBR, 9 unregistered books and 6 bookrings/rays.

challenge: reduce mountTBR, especially books which are registered by other bookcrossers.
I read 29 books (registered by another bookcrosser), 18 (selfregistered) books from MountTBR, 5 ringbooks and 4 not BC books.

Challenge: on January 1 of 2008 there are 198 books on mountTBR which I have not registered myself. I want to reduce the number of books.
I read 51 books (registered by another bookcrosser), 11 (selfregistered) books from MountTBR and 11 bookrings.

In 2007 I read 28 bookrings/rays and read 48 books from mountTBR, completed 1 trade.
In 2006 I read 40 bookrings/rays (of which 1 audiobook), completed 4 booktrades and read
42 books from mount TBR :-)
In 2005 I read 46 bookrings/rays (of which 1 audiobook), completed 18 booktrades and read
36 books from Mount TBR!
In 2004 I read 51 bookrings, completed 11 booktrades and read 26 books from Mount TBR!


Bookratings and their meaning:
10: Excellent. This book has impacted me deeply, or has simply been a pure delight to read.
9: Great book - just a nitpick stands between it and a 10.
8: Good, solid book that I would recommend to others.
7: Good book, but it didn't grab me in a big way.
6: Decent, but not my type of book.
5: Maybe somebody else would like this, I didn't. I had trouble to finish reading this book.

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