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Age 41
Joined Monday, August 21, 2006
Recent Book Activity
4 weeks all time
books registered 0 1,323
released in the wild 0 380
controlled releases 0 327
releases caught 0 50
controlled releases caught 0 101
books found 0 59
tell-a-friend referrals 0 9
new member referrals 0 9
forum posts 0 117
Extended Profile
If you request me as a friend on facebook, plz put you are from here or I won't except you.

Bookring/ray/spirals read first, in the order that they are recieved.
My address is always listed at

Like so many others, I have not been receiving most/all PMs lately. If you PM me and do not hear back from me within a day or two, please email me directly at: [email protected]

I list my bookrings at" target="_blank">The Bookring Directory!

What kind of bookcrosser are you
Your Result: Thematic dropper

You release in themes. The pianotuner in a jazzbar, a suitable boy at the gifttable of a wedding of a friend, the Minotaur in the centre of a maze, a prayer for Owen Meany in a baseball stadium, name the title, you release it somewhere suitable.

Obsessive releaser
ring in bundles
Talk of the toy
Playfull RBACKer
Love to meet
lucky lurker
strange looking bystander
What kind of bookcrosser are you
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

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