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From Somerset, Tasmania Australia
Age 15
Joined Saturday, June 27, 2009
Recent Book Activity
4 weeks all time
books registered 0 475
released in the wild 0 46
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controlled releases caught 0 66
books found 0 16
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Extended Profile
The Cousins30 Family.

The O'Loughlins
The Sullivans
The Greenes
The Locketts
The El Hagas
The Walkers
The Kellys

Screennames of those who have joined
I am creating this bookcrossing page for my neices and nephews of whom i have approx 26. I hope you grow to love reading and books.
I would like to see you all swap books between you and journal them here so that you know who has them .
I will create a wish list They will be (to start with)books and authors that ive enjoyed and hope you enjoy too.

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