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From South Jordan, Utah USA
Age 58
Joined Tuesday, October 29, 2002
Recent Book Activity
4 weeks all time
books registered 44 3,129
released in the wild 15 1,649
controlled releases 29 593
releases caught 1 75
controlled releases caught 25 291
books found 16 262
tell-a-friend referrals 0 669
new member referrals 0 27
forum posts 77 1,399
Extended Profile
I have too many books, over 3500 last I counted, and can't stop myself buying more every time I go to a library sale or used bookstore, need to find good homes for some of them. I am dropping a lot in local little free libraries but still have more. I trade online but not much lately, postage adds up, I rather buy more books.

As an alternative if you are willing to help with postage please check out the books I have available and drop me a line. You might consider requesting more than one book, which comes to less postage per book. We can also trade but that is really not required, I have shelves and shelves of TBR books 😳

I always try to send a free book with every trade and every request.

Because I release books in the wild quite often, the list may not always be up to date.

Here is a map showing where some of my books are traveling.

My first bookbox

Thank you!

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