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Age 61
Joined Friday, May 23, 2008
Recent Book Activity
4 weeks all time
books registered 0 33,388
released in the wild 0 12,697
controlled releases 1 10,768
releases caught 0 2,047
controlled releases caught 3 9,552
books found 5 3,744
tell-a-friend referrals 0 23
new member referrals 0 13
forum posts 8 4,400
Extended Profile
If you need my current address just pm me. I can also be reached at bookstogive at aol dot com.

For the Birthday Group, HGG, etc...I like all types of chocolate especially dark, personal letters or cards, wings extension, BC labels are great (including homemade), stickers, tea(no lemon), hot chocolate, and I always would be interested in a great Non-Fiction Historical book or Historical Fiction(not romance) book that you think I might enjoy. Check my booklist to make sure I do not already have a copy.

Books on my Shelf:
To Be Read: These are books that I plan on reading someday, hopefully not too long in the future.

Available: These books are ready to move on whether I have read them or not.

Permanent Collection: These are all the other books I have that I am sorting through to either move to the To Be Read or Available or Reserved shelf.

Reserved: These book titles are going onto the rolling carts out by the Little Free Library for giveaway.

Available Books: If you are in the USA and would like a box of Harlequins/Love Inspired or regular romance books, let me know.

Have an OBCZ, or LFL? I am willing to send an assorted box of books to any OBCZ or Little Free Library in the USA, just contact me if you would like a box sent to you!

Due to the high cost of International shipping, I am afraid I must limit the number of overseas packages I send. I am afraid I cannot honor unsolicited requests for books to be sent overseas. Thanks for your understanding.

I like all types of books and especially historical fiction! I have several kinds of books on my booklist, including a lot that I will not be reading. My booklist does not really reflect my tastes in books as I collect and have been given many types just for Bookcrossing.

I manage an Official Bookcrossing Zone:

Little Free Library #6127
411 Beach Dr
Springville, TN 38256

Come in and check us out. Feel free to take a book or two or leave some books as well. Donations of books are welcome!

It is with profound sadness that I must say that my husband of 31 years Ken passed away after 6 months in the hospital on May 4, 2020, after suffering multi-system organ failure. He was a fantastic guy, a wonderful husband, and a good friend to all who met him. Always with a smile on his face. I shall always miss him and love him.

I regret to announce that my father Karl, FatherMurphy passed away suddenly on August 27, 2018. He really loved the Bookcrossing community and enjoyed reading the many wonderful books he received from generous BC'ers across the world. I (bookstogive) appreciate your kindness toward them both and especially toward my mom (love2cook) during this difficult time. He will be missed.

updated 10/14/2023

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