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From Kentville, Nova Scotia Canada
Joined Friday, May 21, 2004
Recent Book Activity
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Extended Profile
This year my goal is to read and then release 50 books off of my book shelf and find an additional 50 books that I have read and can bear to part with and find loving homes for them. I am not allowed to purchase ANY MORE books in 2010. I also will try to abstain from book rings/rays in order to focus on uncluttering my own collection. The Challenge is on........
(258/100)- Woo Hoo - surpased it!

Depite the above resolve to unclutter my bookshelf this year...I just signed up at (what a great idea cliff1976 - you are always ahead of the rest of us)

Books I've Read In 2010

Books I've Read In 2009

Books I've Read In 2008

Books I've Read In 2007

Books I've Read In 2006

Books I've Read In 2005

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