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From Tolworth, Greater London United Kingdom
Age 73
Joined Saturday, June 21, 2003
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Extended Profile
Born in Malawi, British by citizenship, lived in the USA for 15 years (mostly Philadelphia, before that Dallas), was working in Sweden until recently, now back in England. Worked in the area of organizational design, but never read much about work. I read fiction, history, biography mostly. My greatest admiration in those three fields goes to:
- Jane Austen, Doris Lessing, A.S. Byatt, Trollope, Galsworthy
- William Hinton, George Trevelyan, C.V. Wedgewood, R. Dangerfield
- Robert Caro, Jenny Uglow, David McCullough
I have written a couple of books - a history of my town, Tolworth, and a volume of autobiography.

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