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From Richmond, Missouri USA
Age 44
Joined Monday, December 22, 2003
Recent Book Activity
4 weeks all time
books registered 0 67
released in the wild 0 61
controlled releases 0 14
releases caught 0 31
controlled releases caught 0 5
books found 0 22
tell-a-friend referrals 0 1
new member referrals 0 1
forum posts 0 77
Extended Profile
PreNumbered Labels
10 Printed on January 2, 2007 (***-4811370 through ***-4811379 used)
10 Printed on June 6, 2007 (***-5161132 through ***-5161141 used)

Update, May 29, 2018I have a new mail address. I still have my profile, badges, tagbook, and journal on Bolt, but I wont be visiting them as often now. I can return to sending and receiving messages through Private Message on BookCrossing though, so Im sure many of you are as relieved as I am. Thanks for your patience!

I am the daughter of a pharmacist in Gallatin, Missouri. As with most bookcrossers, I love to read. Books make up about 25% of my property, clothes make up another 25% so I guess I have a lot of reading to do.

I love to trade books! Please ask me if you see something you like. I'm sorry, but I wont trade internationally anymore. Too many complications, and bad experiences involved in that.

Keep checking back for profile updates.

Currently Reading:
Strip Tease by Carl Hiassen RABCK from i0xi0x

Demographics for my hometown are here.

The North Missourian is our local paper.

Details about my school can be found here.

My favorite Library is here.

I'm currently attending Northwest Missouri State University

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