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From Kelowna, British Columbia Canada
Joined Saturday, July 13, 2002
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Extended Profile
Well, I guess its time I filled this in, although I don't know if anyone will find it of interest. I'm 30-something (barely),and a woman (totally) with two kids. I work part time and I also write and sing, wherever I can fit those two in. Then of course there is the addiction to the printed page. Stephen King, Anne Rice, Nancy Baker, and Tom Robbins are a few of my favourties. Lately I've been picking up and enjoying a some new Canadian Authors, as you can see by my Bookshelf. I have a feeling Laura Hamilton will soon be a favourite as well.

Come on you Kelownians, get out there and release some books!

2002/10/14 - Had to edit my profile a little - I am no longer 30 something! Life begins at 40....

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