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From Sooke, British Columbia Canada
Joined Friday, November 10, 2017
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WilderGarden Vacation Rental
A beautiful haven to wander away to

Lost in the woods, found by the sea, surrounded by quiet, the WilderGarden Covehouse is a beguiling retreat for those looking for ... something else.

We've added an extensive library for travelers who want to read a good book but maybe don't have time to finish it-you are welcome to take it with you.

As we travel around Sooke, EastSooke and area we'll select books to release into the Wild WestCoast of British Columbia.

Close to parks and on Galloping Goose trail. Walk to pub or bus stop, 10 min drive to Sooke, 40 min to Victoria, ferry. Sheltered from storms, on a private cove, the Covehouse has a cedar and glass deck, BBQ, hot tub on the water and ocean access. Ideal for couples, cyclists, paddlers, nature lovers, families, or business.

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