Vote for the 2025 BC Day contest winner... again! New entries added!
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Age 46
Joined Thursday, November 30, 2006
Recent Book Activity
4 weeks all time
books registered 0 1,726
released in the wild 0 1,376
controlled releases 0 89
releases caught 0 332
controlled releases caught 0 84
books found 0 204
tell-a-friend referrals 0 796
new member referrals 0 55
forum posts 0 1,658
Extended Profile

ØNSKER DU Å FINNE BØKER I TRONDHEIM? Trondheim har mange OBCZer (Official BookCrossing Zone)/Bokbyttehyller der man kan legge igjen og/eller ta med seg bøker helt gratis. Bokhyllene finner du her:
OBCZ Coffee Annan (Kulturhuset ISAK, Prinsens gate 44)
OBCZ Gratisbutikken (Strandveien 27, Svartlamon)
Strinda frivillighetssentral (Gulhuset, Voll Gård)
Andre bokhyller:
Antikvariatet - Little Free Library (Antikvariatet, Nedre Bakklandet 4)



VIL DU LÆRE MER OM BOOKCROSSING? Besøk gjerne det skandinaviske forumet der du kan spørre om det du lurer på, få tips om bøker, lære av andre bookcrossere, få høre om bookcrossingtreff m.m.: SKANDINAVISK FORUM ALle er velkommen på forumet og man kan velge å være helt anonym.

Wild Releases Caught!

Countrys my books have visited:

visited 33 states (14.6%)
Create your own visited map of The World or Triposo world travel guide for Android

Bøker jeg har lest av - 1001 books you must read before you die

Just adding some likes to my profile as I've found it useful to have an indication of others people's likes when putting together a parcel (I love RABCK's, joining sweepstakes etc):

* I love knitting so anything related to knitting will always be appreciated.
* Always happy to receive bookmarks, BC labels, stickers and post-its.
* Got 3 children that loves books (born 2012, 2009, 1998) so books for them to read and release is a great gift. (My oldest love english novels for teens/young adults and also simple spanish reading).
* I try to keep my wish list updated but surprises that's not on my wish list will be appreciated too. I read books in english, norwegian and swedish.
* 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die
* Anything related to Bon Jovi (!)
* Anything you like, something from your country, chocolate, seasonal gifts or something completely different, sometimes I don't now what I want until I get it.

Challenges I've joined
"2014 KEEP THEM MOVING (KTM) Release Challenge Jan. - April
"Rett bok på rett sted" februar - mai 2014
2014 Utmaning: Håll böckerna i rörelse Januari - April
2008 RABCK Release Challenge
The 2008 Heads, Shoulders, Knees & Toes Challenge
2008 January "Heart & Soul" Challenge
2008 Warm Thoughts in January Challenge
2008 Books by the Numbers Challenge
2007 What's in a Name Challenge DONE!
2007 Christmas Challenge DONE!
2007 Breast Cancer Awareness Month challenge DONE!
Botanical Challenge for May 2007 DONE!
Easter Challenge 2007 DONE!
2007 Keep Them Moving Challenge DONE!
2007 Valentine Challenge DONE!


Trondheim in the winter:

What kind of bookcrosser are you
Your Result: Thematic dropper

You release in themes. The pianotuner in a jazzbar, a suitable boy at the gifttable of a wedding of a friend, the Minotaur in the centre of a maze, a prayer for Owen Meany in a baseball stadium, name the title, you release it somewhere suitable.

Obsessive releaser
Love to meet
Talk of the toy
Playfull RBACKer
ring in bundles
lucky lurker
strange looking bystander
What kind of bookcrosser are you
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

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