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Age 56
Joined Sunday, January 22, 2006
Recent Book Activity
4 weeks all time
books registered 0 324
released in the wild 0 5
controlled releases 0 1
releases caught 0 0
controlled releases caught 0 0
books found 0 32
tell-a-friend referrals 0 112
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forum posts 0 449
Extended Profile
January 2009

schicke zwei Buecher nach Bremen, zu read-a-bit

Der Vorleser und

Dreams of My Father

Juli 2008

mache bei meiner ersten Box mit! Engl. Audiobox. von Komsomolskij

Juni 2008 Ringe
Thriller Abo - my contribution

Die Therapie. Psychothriller

Babykochbuch ging weg. Das Baby-Kochbuch. Gesunde Ernährung für Ihr Kind. lienchen20

Mai 2008 Ringe
[AudioRing] Solange du da bist. Hörspiel. 1 CD Ring von Ohr - wieder weg.
Verschlüsselte Wahrheit Ring von Ikopiko - grad hier
The Five People You Meet in Heaven controlled release from Sterile - grad hier
Gibt es ein Leben nach Vierzig? ray from Leserattensuse - wird abgegeben.
Black Monday Audioring from Hexle
Das Souvenir des Mörders. 6 CDs . Mordskerle Audioring from Hexle
Weissglut Audioring from Hexle
Molwanien. Land des schadhaften Lächelns Ring from sillesoeren
101 Dinge, die man tun kann, um eine Frau glücklich zu machen. 2 CDs. AudioRing from Ceejay1982

April 2008 Ringe
Gottlos, 5 Audio-CDs AudioRing from Tak-Naruf

February 2008 Activities

Mache mal wieder bei Ringen mit:

Die Therapie, 4 Audio-CDs Ring von Martschella und
Creepers. 6 CDs Ring auch von Martschella
Was mich fertig macht ist nicht das Leben sondern die Tage dazwischen Ring von merkur007

Had a successful Trade

Jung, Blond, Tot went to schwarzer-mann

I received a couple of awsome books on tape:

Between a Rock and a Hard Place [5 CDs]
Therapy [5 CDs]

January 2008 Activities

Nach erfolgreichem Umzug nach Deutschland, und etwas laengerer BC-Pause, werd ich mein Bookshelf mal updaten.

June 2007 Activities

In honor of the new Ron-Family-Addition, I will release a few books having to do with babies. :) Congrats to Ron and MamaRon!!

May 2007 Activities

A box of German novels is going to Trekwoman. She will pass them onto people who can read German as well as release them as she sees fit because she goes to a university that has a German department! :) Cool. I'm so excited. I can't bear the thought of books (hokey as they may be) end up in a landfill and as it looks, recycling books is not quite possible in this great city!

----> sent via parcel post May 16, 2007

The other box will go to DANK. I will drive it down to Lincoln Square this week yet. I just need to register them...

March 2007 Activities

I'm actually quite disappointed. Last year one of the very first rings I started was Confessions of an Ugly Stepdaughter. There was great interest for the book. I can't believe that it was stalled with the very fist person who now is MIA. That is a serious bummer. I'm going to replace it and see what the remaining interest is.

3/11/07 second one wild released in St. Louis :)

Also just in: I have a new ring. Fun Home by Alison Bechdel.

February 2007 Activities
I finally have labels, so this month, I'm going to wild release some of them. Found a few in a box in the basement that will do nicely for that purpose.

2/10/07 weeeeeh. one gone. :)

January 2007 Activities

Boy, I finally managed to get to the post office to send Cellophane to the UK. Good grief, that was difficult. lol

Books read so far in 2007

December Activities

After a few weeks on inactivity due to babying and toddlering (and job searching!), I'm feeling the urge to send some books off to see the world. :)

So, I'm going to send the following books off as Bookrays:

Girl, Interrupted (Vintage) goes to Suffolk, UK first.
Soul Mountain
goes to South Dakota first and
Seabiscuit: An American Legend goes all the way to Queensland, Australia.
Cellophane goes to the UK

I hope for more interest.

Welcome Baby Boy
Caelan Béla, born September 15, 2006


Books I'd love to read

Books read in 2006

September 2006 Book Activity

The Red Tent is going to Europe for a little while. It is a PC book but PreciousArwen over there in Portugal was looking for a copy, I have one and perhaps it can develop into a ring.

alas, the book is probably gone forever. bummer, that people do that with other people's books. not too nice.

September 2006 book swap with Oldbroad:

Tade Cellophane for The Things They Carried

September 2006 Task (not too book-related but cool):

A BC member in Germany has a son who has an assignment for English class. I'm going to check my various drawers to see what I have... maps, magnets, anything scrap-book-worthy. I hope to send it on within the week.

August 2006 RABCK Book received

eeyore75 to me => 2nd Chance
sleone to me => Doomsday Book

July 2006 Books for Postage (received)

Trekwoman to me => Death Du Jour
Bookish-Angel to me => When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops?

June 2006 Activities:
Graduation RABCK three winners chosen

southernfryed --> Deception Point --> off as of July 10, 2006
olered --> Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson
soffitta1 --> A Million Little Pieces will send it at the end of August

holle77 --> The Lost Boy: A Foster Child's Search for the Love of a Family
sheepseeker --> Rhythm & Revolt - Tales of the Antilles

(werden Ende Juli von Deutschland aus verschickt)

Ray for May 2006

Pest Control by Bill Fitzhugh
1. Fireflywishes (MI, USA)

International Ring for "Confessions of an Ugy Stepsister" by Gregory Maguire.
1. rapscallia (Quebec, Canada) the ring stalled here. she's not responding to mails.
2. Breeze144 (Ontario, Canada)
3. AgnesXNitt (UK)
4. bean-frog (UK)
5. vexter (Slovenia)
6. eloisamos (Brazil)
7. rebeccaljames (OH, US)
8. AuburnCaMom (CA, US)
9. lilmztaz (NC, US)
10. cherylllr (NV, US)
11. Luintaurien (NE, US)
12. ButoracA (NY, US)
13. Saintly-singer (ME/MA, US)
14. Alaindrea (CO, US)
15. eureka79 (VE, US)

and back to me :)

Mini Ray April 2006

"Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follett
1. chickadix (UK) <-- sent April 2006
2. LiziG (UK)

April 2006
I'm hosting another, unfortunately smaller bookring/ray for "The Power of One" and "Running with Scissors."

Power of One:
1. BettyBoekwurm (Portugal) <--- here in May 2006
2. rebeccaljames (US, Ohio)
=> safely returned home - September 2006! :)

Running with Scissors:
1. BettyBoekwurm (Portugal) <--- here in May 2006
2. JohnSteed (Switzerland)
3. froggirlwendy (Australia)
4. Teresa (VA, USA)
5. Lorraine (US)
6. rebeccaljames (OH, US)
7. elfgirlsmom (AZ, US)

anyone else?

I am hosting my first Book Ring for Devil in the White City by Erik Larson. So far we have a few people on the list:

1. eicuthbertson, BC, Canada (3/06)
2. Teri, MN, USA
3. sgscarcliff, CA, USA
4. TheBowieFollies, NY, USA
5. blakkat-BNE, Australia
6. Karenlea, USA
7. bakerwhencan, CA, USA
8. knitwit, PA, USA
9. Maxs-Mom (CA, USA)

anyone else?

back to me. :) safely made it back

Bookrings I have joined:
Das Rote Zelt der Frauen (biggibiest), <-- weiter nach Muenchen April 2006
Snowleg (Viola7) <--weiter nach Polen Mai 2006
Die Rechenkuenstlerin (KatiDieRaupe) weiter nach Nuernberg August 2006
Perfect Timing (Pinkagirl)
Der Dante Club (Maresa) weiter nach Nuernberg August 2006
Martin Sloane (ajsmom) was a Ray and is now here on my AVL
Anitas Tochter (Leseschaf) weiter nach Blomberg Juli 2006
Der Schützling (Leseschaf) weiter nach Gelsenkirchen September 2006 von WOB aus
Mann ohne Land (realkiku) wartet auf Weiterreise nach Bielefeld September 2006
Der Tanz mit dem Teufel (Manorainjan) weiter nach Baar (Schweiz) August 2006
Mord auf der Siersburg (kruemmelmonster) -- sending back to Germany, March 2007
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night (twinkpuddin) -- skipped
Fleisch ist mein Gemüse (moerschen) Zurueck nach Deutschland Oktober 2006
Und Piccadilly Circus liegt nicht in Kumla (bunk)
Zodiac (freesia) -- here now, February 2007
Die Detektivin (foxbooks) -- off to Germany, April 2007


I heard about BookCrossing via NPR and thought to myself how great an idea this is.

I was born and raised in Germany (Wolfsburg, to be exact) and moved to the States ohhh.... about 18 years ago.

I'm located near Chicago, live with my husband and 2 1/2 year old son as well as 3 cats in Oak Park.

I gladly lend any book on my PC shelf
Ich leihe gern alle Buecher auf meinem PC Regal


You Belong in Dublin" height="100" width="100">

Friendly and down to earth, you want to enjoy Europe without snobbery or pretensions.

You're the perfect person to go wild on a pub crawl... or enjoy a quiet bike ride through the old part of town.

And here's the map of my lifetime release challange (yea, ok, it's in its infancy... lol)

create your own visited country map
or check our Venice travel guide

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