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From Graz, Steiermark Austria
Age 46
Joined Saturday, May 15, 2004
Recent Book Activity
4 weeks all time
books registered 0 1,684
released in the wild 0 1,940
controlled releases 0 27
releases caught 0 772
controlled releases caught 0 26
books found 0 741
tell-a-friend referrals 0 188
new member referrals 0 27
forum posts 0 5,443
Extended Profile


First of all to get this out of the way, my bookcrossing name was Diamondlucy for a long time. I took a 3 yearish break and just came back and felt I had to change my name to something more accurate, hence this new name.

I don't really read proper books anymore, I very much prefer ebooks :) but the love for the written word is still here anyway :)

Being a BookCrossing slacker
I am way too lazy to write release notes for most of the books I give away at meetups or randomly, therefore my stats are not accurate. Apologies for that.

From Diamondlucy to Suureal

I started in 2004 and have been rather active in the beginning... Abena and I got our local bookcrossers together, the first two obcz don't exist anymore though, but we started meetups, and I can still remember the very first one with Abena ,Irichild and I... Seeing it grow and the local scene develop was a great thing. My main goal was getting our local act together, and I can proudly say that we have succeeded and BookCrossing Graz was running smoothly.

Then I slowly backed off and let them continue with our legacy. I took a break and only kept maintaining the Austrian bookcrossing website and forum.

The Austrian BX forum
If you are interested in meeting fellow local BookCrossers please visit the Austrian BookCrossing forum. Austrian BookCrossers tend to meet there to argue, play silly mind-numbing games, and obviously organise meetups, birthday parties, dog- crossing, food-crossing and other fun stuff!


Here is the link to my online storage, where you can download anything you fancy, free! Labels, leaflets, avatars, wallpapers...

[last updated 6/4/2014]

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