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From Fredericton, New Brunswick Canada
Age 55
Joined Saturday, March 13, 2004
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Extended Profile
The lunacy has begun! The apocalypse approaches! Shelf Monkey is on the shelves near you, and is now an award-winning novel! Fear for your safety!
Shelf Monkey - Official Publisher Synopsis
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Purchase at McNally Robinson Booksellers

Every author I've ever read, plus book counts and incredibly biased star-rating (based on personal feelings of author's overall talent, not total average rating of the books themselves)!

965 books since June of 1995, and 78 in 2008!


I am 37, just having earned my Masters in Library Sciences, and am already the director of a public library. I also have an honours degree in theatre, a certificate in broadcasting, and a law degree. As you can see, I am an exceedingly well-rounded individual.
I recently published my first novel, Shelf Monkey. Please purchase it, as I'm trying to pay off my student loans.
I am also an amateur playwright, having had several plays performed at the Winnipeg Fringe Festival. If you can ever make it to the Fringe (late July), do so. It's one of the best theatrical times you'll ever have.
I take my alias from the novel by Jim Dodge. If you can get your hands on a copy, do so. It's a great read.
I read everything I can get my hands on.
I read old books, new books. Books that make you think. Books that inhibit the thinking process.
Great books. Awful Books.
I have read (and loved) Bellow, Shakespeare, and King.
I have read (and detested) Koontz, Follett, and Clancy.
I have read (and been befuddled by) Amis, Burroughs, and Pynchon.
Books I'd take with me to a desert isle:
The Crash of Hennington
The Iowa Baseball Confederacy.
The World According to Garp.
Henderson the Rain King.
The Shipping News.
The Sheltering Sky.
The Long Goodbye.
The Shining.
The Damnation Game.
Stone Junction (of course).
A Clockwork Orange.
The Life of Pi.
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time

Books that make me long for the days of book-burnings:
Minnow Trap
Blood and Wine
The Da Vinci Code
The Chicago Healer
Bed of Nails
Meg: A Novel of Deep Terror
Cheap Ticket to Heaven
The Bad Place
The Third Twin
The Lost World: Jurassic Park
The Walking

I will leave no novel unfinished.
I even completed Mason & Dixon.

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