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From Upper Hutt, Wellington Province New Zealand
Age 87
Joined Thursday, February 19, 2004
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Extended Profile
Books and more books. How wonderful. I've been an avid book reader from a very early age. Long may that continue.

Other interests include genealogy through which I am building knowledge of as many of my ancestors as I can, back as far as possible. Fun with photography led to photographic scrapbooking through which I'm working on albums for our grandchildren with help from the ones who live near enough and are keen to be involved. We are deeply involved in SERVAS, a worldwide community of travellers who are keen to meet with people from other cultures and learn about their way of life.

My main passion is my family; husband, 4 married children and 10 treasured grandchildren. Also precious 4 yr old great-grad-daughter. And yes, between all those interests, I read around 3 books per week, mainly light with a preference for those involving forensic science. After all, how much sleep does one need? BookCrossing is for me.

Well it would have been Stop Press if I had made this change almost three years ago but other life events were affecting our family and things weren't actually going to plan. My Beloved was diagnosed with one of the numerous Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and that sort of took over everything. Well, almost everything. We were truly delighted to welcome to our world our very first great-grandchild; she will turn five in May and occupies a lot of our time. One gorgeous, knowing, loving, wonderful addition to our family.
As an equally news-worthy change MrFan has, after treatment and chemotherapy, recently passed from three-monthly check-up to six monthly appointments. We are crossing our fingers and holding our breaths for no returns.


In February 2006 I first met the delight of BC conventions, attending the NZBC Convention in Dunedin where I had a truly wonderful time; met many superb BookCrossers and was introduced to LiveJournal which now occupies far too many hours each week.

July 2006 my husband and I were in England with enough time to take part in BCUK UnCon in Birmingham. What a great gathering of BC enthusiasts. They sure know how to party. BookCrossers belly-dancing? Yes!

October was time for the Australian convention in the lovely city of Adelaide where I specially enjoyed a Rare Books Tour being privileged to see and touch some wonderful treasures. More fun-loving people and lots of great books.

The February 2007 BC Convention in Wellington was very successful and for me was a great experience, both in the days leading up to it, then 3 hectic but fun-filled days. Visiting our Post Office and receiving interesting parcels from generous BookCrossers across the world provided almost daily thrills for several weeks. BookCrossers are such generous people.

The 2007 Australian Convention in Melbourne strengthened my conviction that BookCrossing Conventions are for me. Persuaded MrFan to accompany me; we allowed extra days, spending 3 with Servas hosts in the suburb of Sunbury, thus combing two great interests. Melbourne was very attractive leaving us with thoughts of another visit there sometime.

Our BCNZ community sent two ambassadors to the 2008 BC Anniversary convention in London in April. I'll be there in spirit only.

The 2009 World Anniversary BC Convention in Christchurch, NZ in April was a resounding success. Undoubtedly the world economic downturn minimised numbers attending but we had visitors from The Netherlands, Wales, Ireland, England, Austria, and Australia in addition to New Zealanders. I'll be anxiously awaiting the next available convention to attend but it might be a while.

2010 I went to an Australian UnConvention in Sydney and although it was very relaxed and informal it was, like others, really enjoyable. Just missed getting saturated in the Botanical Gardens by escaping into their wonderful Art Gallery as the first heavy drops splattered.

2011 This year though I was really lucky enough to attend BCinDC in Washington DC and that fulfilled many long held dreams for me. Stopped by in Hawaii for four nights staying with two different BookCrossers and had the pleasure of a special BookCrossing luncheon meet-up. Several people attending had brought me books from my Wish list - an unexpected surprise. Was good to get a dose of warmth to prepare me for the winter I was heading back to in NZ.
Washington DC with the historic and majestic building and a hotel crammed full of BookCrossers made it a wonderful magical unforgetable April and became a real temptor for Dublin in 2012.

May 4 2012
Dublin was FANTASTIC. I had a superb time at the Convention. The Irish sure know how to throw a party. Loved the Convention, the befores and afters, the company, the city and its neighbour Limerick that I also visited.
My life was sure changed when I joined bookcrossing and I've not regretted a minute of it.

There have been some less dramatic Conventions since then and I travelled to Hobart in November for an Australian/Kiwi Unconvention. Hobart was a delightful venue with many interesting places to see, thins to do and OF COURSE lots of lovely Bookcrossers.

With Norfolk Island coming up and Ozzies' Gold Coast the following years, things can only continue to delight. Thanks to the organisers.

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