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From Abermain, New South Wales Australia
Age 49
Joined Saturday, January 1, 2005
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Extended Profile
I seem to be having some trouble with PMs at the moment -- if I don't answer your message, please feel free to email me at [email protected].

I'm not as active on BookCrossing as I used to be, but would love to get back into it when I manage to find spare time -- which is not very often these days...

The photo above was taken at my surprise 30th birthday party on 3rd December 2005 (thanks Mum & Dad!).
L-R is woosang, me, and gunzel412. I hope they don't mind me posting this photo :-)

Oh don't you just hate writing a profile!

Here goes -- I love books, of course, my favourite genre's being new age (tarot, i ching, runes, crystals, numerology, astrology, reiki, spirituality, paganism, etc), alternative therapies of any kind (especially nutrition, which I'm studying in order to diversify my business), true crime (mainly Australian), and some biographies and autobiographies. I also love fiction, mainly those really long epics -- you know the kind I mean, that are a thousand pages long and follow someone's entire life journey, the ones that you never want to end. Oh, and I don't mind the odd romance either :-)

I must say though, since I've joined BookCrossing I've read books that I normally wouldn't touch, and I have actually enjoyed them. So from now on, I'm not limiting myself to my favourite genres. I've even read a Fantasy book, and I have a Science Fiction book in my sights!

I'd love to trade with Aussie BookCrossers, please PM me if you're interested in anything on my Available bookshelf (or TBR, as long as you don't mind waiting!). Unfortunately I can't trade overseas except if already promised -- international mail is just way too expensive, sorry :-(

Books that are marked as being in my Personal (not Permanent) Collection are books that I can't let go of at the moment. These are books that are important to me, or that I reference often. These books are not Available as such, however I'm willing to lend them to trusted Aussie BookCrossers.

My Wish List is a list of all the books that I want to read sometime between now and when I die. It's not meant to be a Gimmie List, but of course I'm more than happy to trade for anything on my list that you may be willing to part with :-)

PS: If you enjoy poetry, my OH has his own poetry website -- SomePoems -- with a selection of his original work. He'd love you to stop by :-)

If you like cats, come and visit my gorgeous girls Saba (Rest In Peace) & Ivana.

PPS: Have a look at my Mum's Bookshelf -- SweetPetunia -- she was my first New Member Referral!

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