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From Wrexham, Wales United Kingdom
Age 69
Joined Friday, March 10, 2006
Recent Book Activity
4 weeks all time
books registered 2 969
released in the wild 3 817
controlled releases 0 83
releases caught 0 123
controlled releases caught 0 11
books found 0 8
tell-a-friend referrals 0 0
new member referrals 0 7
forum posts 0 0
Extended Profile
Having heard of Bookcrossing on a Radio 2 feature , I thought it was a great idea to find out what happens to those books that I usually give to charity shops - however since being a member the books have now been released in a number of different locations that we visit as well as when we go on holidays abroad

Enjoy reading mysteries and have a number of favourite authors. Being of a certain age I have my own "bucket list" before I kick it - and reading 500 books was on this list. Looks as if I will be going for 1000 books now

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