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From Alexandria, Virginia USA
Age 57
Joined Friday, May 16, 2003
Recent Book Activity
4 weeks all time
books registered 0 16,617
released in the wild 0 17,215
controlled releases 0 1,111
releases caught 0 2,619
controlled releases caught 0 645
books found 0 3,598
tell-a-friend referrals 0 446
new member referrals 0 147
forum posts 0 5,908
Extended Profile

I was a volunteer EMT for twelve years. At one point I was so enthusiastic about it that an ex-girlfriend dubbed me a "Rescue Geek." While she never meant that to be a compliment, I have long chosen to treat it as such. While I haven't been actively involved in Emergency Services since 1998, I continue to be fascinated by the Fire, EMS, and law enforcement systems, and hope to someday become an active participant again.

In addition to an abiding affection for all things related to the Emergency Services community, I love to ski and to travel (which explains my membership in the Pentagon Ski Club, where I get to do both), as well as cooking, and spending time with my wife and two beautiful daughters.

And, of course, I love to read. If I had to pick a single favorite genre, I guess it would be science fiction/fantasy, but I also enjoy spy and political thrillers, historical fiction, philosophy, biographies and memoirs, and the occasional classic (in other words, just about anything). Please note that the books listed on my bookshelf below do not necessarily reflect my reading preferences, as I have registered a large number of books just for release.

Live in the Washington, DC, metro area? Please join BC in DC , the online group for the BookCrossers in DC, Northern Virgina and Suburban Maryland. We meet about once a month at various locations around the area. We'd love to have you join us!

Visiting Washington, DC? The members of BC in DC would love to get together with you while you are in town. Visit our BCinDC bookshelf and send us a PM!.

BookCrossing and BCinDC were featured in an article in the Style section of the Washington Post on 11 August 2009! Read the article here.

  • My friends list includes BookCrossing members I have met in person (or in some cases, knew before we joined BookCrossing). If we've met and I don't have you on my friends list, please let me know so I can correct the omission.

  • Because of the high price of international postage set by the US Postal Service, I regret that I am not currently able to send books internationally.

Articles I've written for the BC Newsletter:

Currently reading: The Maid

I also managed an Official BookCrossing Zone at my office: Knox 9th Floor OBCZ until I recently retired. The book shelf is still there, but is no longer maintained as an OBCZ (access available only to employees of the US Patent & Trademark Office and authorized visitors)

and two Little Free Libraries: Erin's Legacy LFL #29843 and Becky's Hugs LFL #46292.

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