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Joined Wednesday, October 8, 2003
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Extended Profile
June 2015

Greeting friends,

I need space!

Check out my bookshelf for the titles marked “available” and send me your requests! But because I’m hoping a lot of you will ask, I’ll need a little help, too. Once I receive your request and confirm that no one else has already requested that book, I’ll ask that you send me stamps to cover the cost of mailing, and an address label that I can just stick onto an envelope. And, much as I’d like to share around the world, I think I need to limit requests to the United States only, so I don’t have to spend time standing on line at the post office with customs slips.


I am a BIG fan of libararies, so discovering BookCrossing has meant a major change in habit. I'm still checking out lots of books from libraries, but now I also scour the tables at library friends' sales for books to read and release. Ironically, since I've joined BookCrossing, I have MORE books sitting on my shelves than ever before -- I can buy them more quickly than I can register, read, and release them!

Most of my TBR books will eventually become available for trade, wild release, ring, or ray. If you're interested in a particular title, let me know, and I can read it sooner rather than later.

Having discovered rings and rays, I'm enjoying reading books I might not have discovered on my own, and of making connections with other readers. I now have a pile of books to offer as rings of my own -- I simply have to find the time to write an announcement!

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