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From Queluz, Lisboa (distrito) Portugal
Age 47
Joined Friday, February 20, 2004
Recent Book Activity
4 weeks all time
books registered 0 61
released in the wild 0 51
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controlled releases caught 0 5
books found 0 73
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forum posts 0 1,265
Extended Profile
Happy 2019!

Gosto de ler mas nem sempre tenho tempo. É o mal de muitos. Tento melhorar todos os dias!!!

I love reading but I don't always have the time! I think that happens to everyone:(! But I try to improve on a daily basis!!!

Se desejar ler algum dos livros na minha BS é só PM! O meu marido Edgapoe tem a nossa coleção permanente que pode ser emprestada.
If you'd like to read any of my books, just PM me. My husband Edgapoe keeps our Permanent collection, which can also be lent.

Have a nice Reading year!

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