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From Zürich, Zürich Switzerland
Age 19
Joined Thursday, February 24, 2005
Recent Book Activity
4 weeks all time
books registered 0 200
released in the wild 0 115
controlled releases 0 41
releases caught 0 29
controlled releases caught 0 16
books found 0 34
tell-a-friend referrals 0 141
new member referrals 0 1
forum posts 0 5
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Wo: Where: Où: Dove:
Limmatstrasse 259
8005 Zürich

We meet sporadically (on demand) at COOL BOOKS, the book fridge at Limmatstr. 259, either in the back garden or inside, or we go to a nearby restaurant. Feel free to browse any time during opening hours, we have always some English novels.
The fridge is available from Tuesday to Friday, noon to 9 pm.

The dates of the actual meetups you'll find on our Facebook page or here in the «Gloria-Gazette» (scroll to third page).

Books on the shelf you should find here.

(This account was formerly known as OBCZ-Gloria, however the name giving Café Gloria does not exist anymore.)

Wir treffen uns sporadisch bei COOL BOOKS, entweder im Garten oder drinnen oder wir gehen in ein Restaurant in der Nähe. Komm unverbindlich vorbei, wir freuen uns sehr über neue Gesichter :) Die aktuellen Daten findest du auf unserer Facebook-Seite oder in der «Gloria-Gazette» (auf dritte Seite scrollen).

Der Bücherkühlschrank COOL BOOKS ist zugänglich Di - Fr von 12 -21 Uhr. Komm stöbern und nimm mit was dir gefällt. Die vorhandenen Bücher sollten hier zu finden sein.

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