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From Oxford, Oxfordshire United Kingdom
Joined Tuesday, August 17, 2004
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Extended Profile
Returned to BookCrossing after several years break - went to the BCUK Unconvention in Leeds 2013 and of course I'm now hooked again. We are all booklovers but to me the best part of BookCrossing by far are the lovely people I've met through it. Please support the website by buying something from the store, or buying a set a of wings so that you can navigate the site more easily.

I tend to ignore friends requests - I consider everyone here my friend! So please don't be upset if this happens.

Many of the books on my shelf have moved on - they may be in boxes somewhere but most have been passed on to others . Unless they have been added or journalled by me during (or after) 2013

I do use Goodreads and although this isn't a complete list of what I've read I am adding them now - and when I remember something I've read I pop it on there too! I read widely - almost anything - and many of the books I've read will be library books and also on my kindle. BookCrossers are fond of wishlists and I've set one up on Goodreads too! My Goodreads page

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