Profile Image


From Southampton, Hampshire United Kingdom
Age 52
Joined Sunday, January 16, 2005
Recent Book Activity
4 weeks all time
books registered 0 3,276
released in the wild 0 630
controlled releases 0 0
releases caught 0 337
controlled releases caught 0 0
books found 0 156
tell-a-friend referrals 0 39
new member referrals 0 11
forum posts 0 382
Extended Profile
I will read anything and everything, very fond of science fiction and fantasy but will try anything once!

I have put some of my Photo's online with Flickr:- Lunapilot
And My Flickr Profile is at:- Lunapilot

I have copied over my entire collection to (every Book thats registered with Bookcrossing, that has passed through my hands, most of which I still have! To find out if I still have a book, look at my Bookcrossing page!)

The url for my page on is:-

I am n a few dating websites:-

oh and I love books!


Any book marked PC is part of my private collection and is NOT available for trades, rings, rays, RABCKs. Don't even ask. I don't like to say, "NO", but I will.

AVL means that I have finished reading a book and have no specific plans for it.

A TBR book is just that - to be read. I'll decide after I read it whether it will be part of my personal collection, reserved for someone else, or released in the wild. (The exception is that a ring/ray book will automatically become RES when I have finished it.)

RES means that I have a specific release planned for the book.

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