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Age 59
Joined Wednesday, January 22, 2003
Recent Book Activity
4 weeks all time
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Extended Profile
**Sorry, but I dont have a wish-list (if you happened to be looking!) but I like mysteries, some science fiction, thrillers, but not horror, chick lit but not romance, and will give most things a try! TIA**

I love reading, but unfortunately I never have the time to read as much as I would like...
(...and ps, my profile is never up to date either!)

OK! January 2010 and time for an update to my profile...and clear out some old stuff. =)
(Goodness me, I just realised it is my 7th BC anniversary today!!)

Currently reading: Artemis Fowl and the Arctic Incident (book 2)

Recently finished: The 5th Horseman by James Patterson, Winter by John Marsden, My Favourite Wife by Tony Parsons (incidentally 3 of my favourite authors!)

Best book of 2009: I think it might have to be "Poking Seaweed with a Stick and Running away from the smell" by Alison Whittaker (a friend from my creative writing classes) and also My Favourite Wife, although Sellevision was funny...
Best book of 2008: Possibly The curious incident of the dog in the nighttime or Jennifer Government
Best books of 2007: The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks and To Say Nothing of the Dog by Connie Willis
Best book of 2006: Jonathon Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach
Best book of 2005: The Time Traveller's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
Best book of 2004: Tomorrow, when the war began by John Marsden

This website has rekindled my interest in books: I was such a bookworm as a child, but now with 3 (kids not books!) of my own it seems difficult to find the time.....

I have done a few challenges over the years, including:

**ABC Challenge for May 2004**
This was started by" target=”_NEW”>Secretariat

**Crayola (TM) Colour Challenge for June 2004**
This was started by" target=”_NEW”>grover3d

Thanks to Colin, my sometime book benefactor, both my stats and BC action at the [now closed} Go-Go Cafe crossing zone have improved, so as thanks, here is a link to his site, which is all about travel in Australia." target="_top"> alt="Travel Australia with AusEmade" width="88" height="31" border="0">

I still love to read but dont always bookcross as often as I did in the past, but dont hesitate to contact me for a trade etc!

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