There's still time to join the BookCrossing Day Contest...
But you'll have to be fast! The last day to enter is January 31. So don't miss out on your chance to amaze or amuse us with your art! Read more about this here
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Age 4
Joined Tuesday, May 13, 2003
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Extended Profile
My Mum always said that if I wasn't allowed to read a book at the table when I was a kid, I'd just read the back of the cornflake packet instead!

Now that I'm all grown-up (?!!) & with other responsibilites, I'm not quite as prolific a reader as I used to be. But there's nothing I enjoy more than sitting in bed of an evening and just reading, reading, reading. And then I wake up with the book on my chest & the light still on ....

My bookshelf here is so full of all sorts of weird & wonderful stuff that I feel I need to explain it! I register & release allot of books which pass through my hands without my ever reading them myself. So, please don't take my bookshelf as any indication of my reading tastes! I'm loath to categorise, but books marked as TBR are the most likely to give you an idea.

You can listen me being interviewed on BBC Southern Counties Radio by clicking here.

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