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From Castlebar, Co. Mayo Ireland
Age 33
Joined Monday, December 19, 2005
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Extended Profile
I found this completely by accident when I was wandering the big old web searching for clichés. Fun, eh? Anyway, when I read about it, I was enchanted! What an idea for a site! What a magical concept! And so, instead of homework, here I am.

I love reading, and have already made a mental list of books I can 'donate' or whatever it's called. I have tons of other interests, too: music (The Beatles, Simon & Garfunkel, Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell) and writing, to name, well, two.

I'm only fourteen, which, fingers crossed makes me the youngest BookCrosser (!), but I intend to fully benefit from it. Well, benefit others. You know what I mean. Gosh, articulate, aren't I?

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