Got talent?
Then draw, paint, photograph, knit... a label for the 2025 International BookCrossing Day label contest! But hurry, it closes January 31. Read all about it here!
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Age 40
Joined Saturday, May 13, 2006
Recent Book Activity
4 weeks all time
books registered 0 242
released in the wild 0 0
controlled releases 0 1
releases caught 0 0
controlled releases caught 0 0
books found 0 15
tell-a-friend referrals 0 39
new member referrals 0 0
forum posts 0 284
Extended Profile
Last updated: 5/16/11


I am only able to trade books marked Available for postage costs at this time, due to finances. Sorry.

A Little Bit About Me..

My name is April (no that is not the month I was born), I was actually a Christmas baby (sort of) born in December on the Winter Solstice on the 21st. That makes me a Saggitarius/Capricorn depending on which horoscope you consult.. lol

I am 25 years old and currently on an extended hiatus from college due to health problems. I hope to return at a later date - as soon as I can!

I have some hobbies like reading (yeah, really!), blogging (xanga, blogspot), hanging out on nookboards, and BookCrossing,, doing puzzles and other various craft projects.

Some of my favorite authors are:

Barbara Kingsolver, John Grisham, Dean Koontz, J.K. Rowling, Roald Dahl, Dan Brown, James Rollins, Anne Rice, Kathy Reichs, Elizabeth Kostova, Jim Butcher, Josephine Tey...

A couple of my favorite quotes:

"Those who wish to sing always find a song." ~ Proverb quote

"Every day holds the possibility of a miracle." ~ Elizabeth David

Book Rings/Rays I'm Hosting

The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon [current status as of 8/9/09:stalled, fortunately it made it to everyone, just not back to me.]

Finding George Orwell in Burma by Emma Larkin [current status as of 8/9/09 stalled]

Adventure-Thriller Bookbox [closed][current status as of 8/9/09 LOST, i am almost positive i mailed this out as soon as I had participants, but according to the journalling, it was never received??]

BookBox: Spooky Spine Tinglers [closed] Mailed on 7/24 [current status as of 8/9/09 stalled, and such a bummer too because it was a well-stocked box]

Color Key
Shipped Onward waiting for in hand

Book Rings/Rays/Boxes That I've Joined
The Cat Who Smelled a Rat & Journal Forum Thread rubertsgirl unknown
The Powerbook Daemonwolf 7
Disturbia Daemonwolf stalled since Feb.?
Psychoville Daemonwolf 8
Maverick Daemonwolf 15(really 9)
The Eyre Affair Cinnamon-Girl 9
Does Anything Eat Wasps? Cinnamon-Girl 9
The Husband shorty04 4
Why Do Men Have Nipples randomelement 5
Book Lust debnance 4
Funny in Farsi kristamd 5
Julian's House Guinneth 10
BookBox: Mystery books affinity4books unknown
BookBox: Books about Books Genevalove 5
Virtual BookBox: First Sentence (fiction) Forum Thread wubbaducky 37
B-Day RABCK Buddy:babsdotter chich Birthday: February 14th
Black Order book-man-8 mailed on 8/17
BookBox: Favorite authors/books Wiccania received 7/8, mailed 7/14
BookBox: Anything Goes Paperback Books Jenvince received 7/6, mailed 7/14

Currently Reading:

Kept by Y. Euny Hong

My To Be Read List

Books I've Read in 2010

Books I've Read in 2006

My Wish List:

Thank you Cliff1976 for making my WishList possible!

And Thanks To The BookCrossers Who Make Wishes Come True!

Here Are Some Great Links

Want to make a book wish list of your own? A fellow BookCrosser, Cliff1976 is generous enough to share this with everyone! Take a look at the new layout and style! Cliff1976's page

A great website to keep track of bookrings :Take a look!" style="position:absolute;top:118px;left:0px;">" border="0"/>" width="1" height="1" id="f3embed" name="experiment" type="application/x-f3embed">" width="226" height="280" wmode="transparent" menu="false" quality="high" scale="noborder" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" id="fwpAvatarMovie" name="fwpAvatarMovie" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="">" alt="clean air info">

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