Vote for the 2025 BC Day contest winner... again! New entries added!
Please take a moment to check these great new entries here.Elfbiter
From Tampere, Pirkanmaa / Birkaland Finland
Joined Thursday, July 19, 2007
Home page
Recent Book Activity

Kissani Jugoslavia

Kuka murhasi rouva Skrofin?

Komisario Palmun erehdys

Kalimantan (in Finnish)

"Hulluja nuo venäläiset"

Paflagonian perilliset, Iax Agolaskyn päiväkirjan säästyneet sivut


Hiirileikki (in Finnish)

Sotapoliisi Peters NO: 005

Mahdoton Neitsyt


Kotkat kuuntelevat

Maastamuuttajan päiväkirja

The New Moon's Arms

Leiri 14 - Pako Pohjois-Koreasta

Rautainen Unelma


Mad Science
Telegram from Guernica
Statistics: |
4 weeks | all time |
books registered | 0 | 190 |
released in the wild | 0 | 32 |
controlled releases | 0 | 7 |
releases caught | 0 | 8 |
controlled releases caught | 0 | 1 |
books found | 0 | 85 |
tell-a-friend referrals | 0 | 33 |
new member referrals | 0 | 1 |
forum posts | 0 | 54 |
Extended Profile
Greetings! I'm a big and bald bookworm from the Land of the Thousand Lakes. Who occasionally writes sort-of-reviews to my Dreamwidth blog (not often enough, IMO). I am also still active in Bookmooch but try to keep these kind of separate.
My interests are rather eclectic from DTWOF to Oliver Sacks to astronomy and biology. Among other things
My interests are rather eclectic from DTWOF to Oliver Sacks to astronomy and biology. Among other things